Metatron: Effective, dedicated, financial experts
We understand investment and trading. Hedge fund approach and fundamental analysis is encoded in our DNA. We have many years of experience. Many dead ends, a lot of trial and error and discovery. Subsequently we reflected everything in our funds’ profiles.
We manage financial assets primarily on the liquid, public and developed markets. The design of our funds is simple, it respects the portfolio manager’s personality and the realization of the investment strategy is disciplined.
We operate based on several basic principles in which we believe:
- Portfolio Manager implements his own investment philosophy. If the portfolio is managed by a group of people, it can lead to compromises and collective irresponsibility.
- The more the design of the fund reflects the personality of the portfolio manager, the higher the probability of success.
- Money management is a repetitive process. It is not a one-time act. The process must be defined and repeated with discipline – endlessly.
- The whole process is highly professional and in its own way also boring. In the money management we are not looking for excitement nor entertainment.
- Every manager must constantly and critically analyze his investment process so that it can be improved. We must not be afraid to admit our mistakes and learn from them.
- Every investment philosophy needs its specific support instruments, which need be developed and improved, because they make the investment process more efficient.
- A balanced communication is needed – every money manager must talk not only about the opportunities but also about the risks. Those who do not talk about the risks are either fools or amateurs.
Experience + Processes + Tools = Results
Who is the ideal client for Metatron?
We believe that extraordinary funds are not made just by exceptional portfolio managers, but also by unique clients, which the managers can rely on. Our ideal client is a qualified investor, who understands the investment philosophy of the fund in which he invests and he knows exactly what to expect from it.
The client is interested in market events. From his portfolio manager he receives one hundred percent fulfillment of the mandate, as well as current and accurate information about the portfolio. Naturally, every manager can come to a point where his performance is lagging. Then he needs to return to the roots and to rely on investors who trust him.
Solid infrastructure - the foundation to build easily upon:
SICAV is a company with variable capital.
Being highly flexible, we can open a new fund or create a new share class of an existing fund.
Our Regulator is MFSA.
The Auditor is PWC Malta.
The Administrator is APEX GROUP (Malta) Limited.
The Brokers/Custodians: Marex Prime Services, Sparkasse Bank Malta and J&T Banka (CZ).
For risk management purposes we use RISKMETRICS RISKMANAGER from MSCI.
We read brokers as well as independent research – e.g. Canadian BCA Research or Bespoke Investment Group.
We have developed several custom programs and we use data from Bloomberg, which is the essential foundation for every manager…